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Since 2019, TETRA PAK has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 20% across its value chain

The company’s 25th Sustainability Report details:

  • An action-oriented approach towards food systems transformation, establishing four key pathways with targets, as launched at COP28.
  • Launching an aseptic beverage carton featuring a paper-based barrier with 90% renewable content.
  • A 47% reduction in operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since 2019.

Tetra Pak has released its 25th Sustainability Report, which chronicles the company’s progress toward its sustainability objectives. It focuses on five interconnected themes: food systems, circularity, climate, nature, and social sustainability.

The company’s Sustainability Report FY23, released on the United Nations’ World Environment Day, indicates a 20% reduction in value chain GHG emissions and a 47% reduction in GHG emissions across its operations from 2019. The latter puts Tetra Pak on schedule to accomplish its 2030 target of net zero GHG emissions in its operations while also supporting the company’s long-term goal of working with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders to achieve net-zero GHG emissions across the value chain by 2050.

Another significant milestone saw the launch of an aseptic beverage carton featuring a paper-based barrier, reducing its carbon footprint by a third (33%) and bringing the company a step closer to developing the world’s most sustainable food package. This world-first resulted from a €100 million investment in packaging research and development in 2023, with the same investment planned annually for the next five to ten years.

Adolfo Orive, President & CEO at Tetra Pak, comments, “Collaboration across the food industry is ever more important to feed a growing population sustainably. Our global presence and end-to-end solutions give us daily opportunities to collaborate with stakeholders across the value chain, from farmers and food producers to suppliers, policymakers, consumers, and others. We understand the responsibility that comes with this role. We remain committed to playing our part to transform the world’s food systems to ensure they are more secure, resilient, and sustainable.”

Tetra Pak implements Cartons for Communities (CFC) in the Philippines, a comprehensive initiative to promote carton recycling and sustainability. The program includes education and awareness, collection and infrastructure, and advocacy and policy, enabling Tetra Pak to effectively collaborate with schools, communities, and local governments to promote recycling.

Tetra Pak Philippines’ recycling volume has increased by twice as much as the previous year because to CFC. This increase is part of a long-term increasing trend, with a CAGR of 23% reported since 2020. “Our collaborative activities have spread across the country, involving 15 local government units (LGUs) in Region 4A (Calabarzon) and the city of Baguio. “These partnerships are critical in driving our vision for a greener future as we continue to innovate and invest in sustainable practices,” said Catherine Chua, Tetra Pak’s Sustainability Manager for the Philippines.

Tetra Pak’s FY23 Sustainability Report highlights the company’s successes from the previous year as well as ongoing measures to preserve food, people, and the environment. This includes:

  • Expanding School Feeding Programmes: The company helped 64 million children in 49 countries access milk and other nutritious beverages through School Feeding Programmes.
  • Accelerating Recycling: The amount of carton packages collected and sent for recycling worldwide rose 7% compared to 2022. Additionally, there was a 14% increase in the volume of polyAl sent for recycling.
  • Again, getting recognition for Leadership in Corporate Transparency and Performance: Tetra Pak was included in the CDP Forests ‘A List for the eighth consecutive year. Additionally, the company received an ‘A-‘ rating in Water Security despite its first year of reporting in this area.
  • Actively implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The total FY23 report can be found here.

More information about Tetra Pak is available at


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