Bloggers Philippines Members and thansksgiving party 2019
Sharing real-life experiences to entertain and make others informed – those are the reasons why I’ve been blogging for so long and will probably continue doing so for as long as I can drive to events and write. It’s such a blessing to be able to influence the decisions of my kapwa Pinoy in a good way and I was able to do so in the past years, thanks to my Bloggers Philippines Family.
I started working for the journals until I retired, that’s when I started my own blog. And anyone who did the same shift would know how much of an adjustment should be done from formal writing to freestyle writing. It was something new to me but I loved it. I loved how I can express my thoughts and experiences without the limitations of formal writing.
And it was just 5 years ago when I enjoyed that freedom and started excercising it. Thanks to this bloggers group that embraced me, I was able to hone my blogging skills and I’m now enjoying every single day doing it.
In Bloggers Philippines, I found friends and family. So everytime the org throws its annual thanksgiving party, I’d push all other scheds behind because this event is something I wouldn’t miss for the world.
The Bloggers Philippines just turned 5 this year, and earlier this month, we celebrated a belated thanksgiving for an awesome 2019. My first party with Bloggers Philippines was in 2016 and I’d say, it remains to be the most memorable one like any of our other “firsts” in life. I was then very new to blogging and like I said, it was far different from what I was doing when I was working for trad media. My new-found brothers and sisters helped me a lot in figuring out this new industry and thanks to them, I grew this new passion and I could no longer imagine life not doing this job.
This year, the group held the thanksgiving gathering for the year 2019 on February 1, 2020 at McDonald Forum in BGC. I was a bit hesitant, unlike the past years, because the event fell on a Saturday and the location was a bit far from my place in Quezon City. But anyway, I went because I’d love to bond with the group once again after not seeing each other for a quite sometime.
Another reason for my attendance was Ms. Leomy Sanchez, Bloggers Philippines Admin, whom I consider one of my dearest friends in this industry.
Attending the party, I won a treat from the raffle draw and took home a token too from our sponsors. Apart from that, it was joyous to join in the games the admins prepared and did I feel young again in playing and participating in other parts of the program. All the laughter and fun shared with my Bloggers Philippines family was definitely something any money cannot buy. And I’m adding this year’s party to my most treasured memories.
Of course, the party won’t be successful without the sponsors so we’d like to thank the following:
- Greenbulb
- McDonalds PH
- Fuentes Manila
- Full Circle
- Ogilvy
- Red Havas
- Coms 360
- Eggshell
- Dominguez
- Perfume Desert
- SAT Media Services
- Fly Ace Corp.
- Vibelle
- Century Park Manila
- Bubble Man PH
- SUN Exchange
- Comerchee
It’s so good to find friends whom you can share the same passion with. Friends who can motivate you to do better in your job. Friends who can guide you to the right path. And in Bloggers Philippines, I found them. I couldn’t be thankful enough for being a part of this organization that has been my pillar in this blogging industry. So to everyone behind Bloggers Philippines and to all my brothers and sisters in this group, kudos to us and I wish to spend more thanksgiving events with you in the future.