My US trip pictures (1996, 1998, 2006, 2011 and 2017)
As per continuation on my blog entitled Reminiscing the Good Old Days in America, this new blog of mine is about my journey in getting my visa. I will talk about the favored luck I had in getting my visa. Hope you like it and can get an idea on how to get one.
Getting a visa here in the Philippines is very hard even if you have a lot of money you can still be denied in the process of getting a visa. But in my application I declared fifty thousand in my bank account and I can say that I’m a lucky one it’s because I can easily get a visa even though I don’t have much resources I think because of my good credentials in terms of job and being part of the Philippine journalist is one of the factor why I get my visa easily.
Nowadays it’s really hard to get a visa, back in 2019 when I get mine I went to the embassy early in the morning it’s 4:30 am and I used to wait for a little more to process my visa and I’m just so lucky in the manner because I always end up being permitted. I have a lot of friends that got denied even though they already did their best in their bank statement, important documents and other stuff. I guess there’s no right formula on it, it takes luck to have one. In my case I always bring the necessary documents, bank certificates and they should find a reason for you to come back home in the Philippines. Like for me I am employed, maybe that’s one of the reasons I got easily accepted.
One of the reasons I went abroad was to travel, have my vacation and in the mere fact that my visa will soon expire. I took the initiative to use it and visit another country since I already retired on my job. My visa will just be effective for just 6 months before expiration. I decided to go to America. First I really want to stay in America for good and look for jobs that suit me but my visa will expire after 6 months and it will be illegal for me to stay longer. That’s why I go back to the Philippines and my mother always ask me to go back home and maybe it is really in God’s plan because I wouldn’t know what my life would be in America in this time of pandemic.
What I’ve learned from my experiences and journey, especially in taking up a visa is that it’s not always easy. You will be facing a lot of hurdles all throughout, there are documents that are incorrect and you will revise some of your papers and such. So you should always be ready. Indeed when getting a visa you should be thoughtful, also be polite, don’t talk when you are not asked, it’s not about how smart you are it’s about the dedication you put into and also be presentable so that they will approach you positively. Don’t be over acting, be honest on your documents and also don’t stay longer in the place you want to go because hassle will occur afterwards and I can tell it’s much more difficult to face that hassle. If I were you, enjoy your vacation and use it well but don’t overstay for you to prevent more interrogations in the embassy.