Woman running
In celebration of Women’s month last March, we hear a lot of emphasis towards empowering the female population and urge for gender equality. The Philippine Commission for Women (PCW) adopts the theme “Making Change Work for Women” which aims to implement programs and services that address strategic gender needs of women.
In our society nowadays, more and more women are engaging in what used to be jobs only meant for men. In some cases, we witness women excelling in the corporate industry more than male. This development brings a positive outlook towards the goal of gender equality.
Aside from these developments, women still hold certain roles in the family, being a mother and a wife has its own necessities and striking a balance between these personas can be very challenging.
In order to do this, Women need additional supplements to stay healthy and be able to prolong their roles that they have to accomplish. It is noted that women needs more calcium intake than men. This is due to the fact that women go through several life stages that increases their calcium needs.
- Puberty
During this stage, women are at the prime of their being active physically. This is also the stage when they start menstruating.It is important to consume the right levels of calcium everyday to prevent the risk of different bone conditions, and try to build up your calcium levels from your younger days.
- Adulting
In starting an adult life and having a family, Women needs a certain level of estrogen. Estrogen is essential for woman sex hormone. Estrogen also maintains the bone health. Calcium is crucialin maintaining estrogen intact in a woman’s body.
- Pregnancy
During this stage, woman is required to double their calcium intake regularly.This is to supply the calcium needs of the fetus as much as her own. The fetus needs normal levels of calcium to ensure proper heart function and rate as well as proper function of nervous system and muscles.Neglecting the additional calcium intake during your pregnancy will result in utilization of your stored calcium which will be harmful for you in the long term.
- Menopause
Study shows that the bone density declines by 20% after menopause when estrogen level starts to deplete, hence, it is recommended to take sufficient levels of calcium to prevent the problem of bones osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis, is a condition where bones become too porous and loose its density. As bones become more porous and fragile, the risk of fracture is greatly increased. The loss of bone occurs silently and progressively. Often there are no symptoms until the first fracture occurs.

Calcium Product
Having stated the importance of calcium in your body, it is important to take calcium supplements to assure you are getting your daily requirement of calcium and as well as other immune boosting supplements. Bewell-C plus Calcium combines the next generation organic calcium with the non-acidic form of vitamin-C and vitamin D3 in order to form a 3 in 1 vitamin supplement that strengthens both the immune system and the bone health of the patient. The patented Bewell-C plus Calcium formula takes advantage of the synergy of these vitamins to make an effective but affordable way to stay strong and healthy.
To know more about the product as well as healthy tips, visit their Facebook page @Bewellcpluscalcium. Bewell-C plus Calcium is available in all Mercury Drug nationwide.